muokattu: 13.6.2019

Uutta puhtia mielenterveys- ja päihdepotilaiden tupakoinnin lopettamiseen

– The benefits of smoking cessation for patients with mental health and substance abuse are significant, says HUS head physician Saana Eskelinen from Kellocos Hospital. In addition to improving physical symptoms, stopping smoking can reduce anxiety and depression in patients. For smokers, the efficacy of several psychiatric drugs is weaker, and therefore, after stopping smoking, drug doses may be reduced.  

At the beginning of the year, a joint project between the philosophy of the lung health organization Filhan, 11 hospital districts and industry organizations was launched to support smoking cessation for patients with mental health and substance abuse. As a result, non-smoking workgroups for psychiatry have been established in specialized medical care. Training health professionals, taking smoking with patients, and providing retirement support are key elements of the project.

– Psychiatrists and substance abuse physicians and caregivers have been enthusiastically involved. Co-operation with healthcare is smooth, ”says Tuula Vasankari, Secretary General of Filha.
In addition to the social and health organizations, there is also the A-Clinic Foundation, the Mental Health Association and the Rehabilitation Foundation. Development Director Heini Kapanen of the Central Association for Mental Health considers the cooperation of professionals from several different sectors as the strength of the project.

– This is the best way to support the rehabilitator, he says, and adds that health care cooperation with experience experts is particularly important.

For more information:

Lauri Peltonen
lauri.peltonen (at)

Patrick Sandström
patrick.sandstrom (at)

Ending smoking cessation for people with mental health and substance abuse problems. The project is part of the Government Promoting Health and Wellbeing and Reducing Inequality in the Top Project 2017–2018. Implementers: Filha Association, A-Clinic Foundation, Mental Health Association and Rehabilitation Foundation, Hospital District: HUS, TYKS, TAYS, KYS, KSSHP, VSHP, SATSHP, SOITE, LSHP, EPSHP, ESSOTE
The aim of the project is to promote the health of patients with mental health and substance abuse and to support the cessation of smoking by supporting the operation of public health and substance abuse services. Key activities include improving the efficiency of regional service chains and tobacco visitation, training health care personnel, producing online training materials, collaborating with hospital districts, organizations, other health promotion projects and experience experts.