muokattu: 13.6.2019

Suomessa tuberkuloosi vähenee, maailmalla tautiin sairastuu ja kuolee yhä enemmän

The number of cases of tuberculosis in Finland has decreased. In 2016, 231 new cases were detected (incidence 4.2 / 100,000 inhabitants). Half of these were found in people born outside Finland and the average age of patients was 50 years . Six of the sick were children.

The number of drug-resistant tuberculosis cases has increased. In 2016, six multidrug-resistant tuberculosis bacteria (MDR-TB) were found in Finland, one of which was a highly drug-resistant (XDR-TB) drug.

The proportion of asylum seekers in all cases of tuberculosis cannot be reliably assessed. All cases of tuberculosis are reported to the Infectious Diseases Register, but information on the reason for the person’s immigration is not recorded. In 2016, 38 people with tuberculosis did not have a Finnish personal identification number, and the majority of them are likely to be asylum seekers.

MDR-TB treatment costs are considerably more expensive than drug-sensitive tuberculosis. One patient’s medication costs about 120,000 euros over two years. In XDR-TB, the cost of treatment is much more expensive. The six-month medication for drug-sensitive tuberculosis costs € 2,000. One of the most important ways of controlling MDR tuberculosis is to provide effective treatment for all tuberculosis patients. The disease and the medications used require close monitoring, e.g. side effects. The national team of tuberculosis experts led by Filha guides the treatment of all MDR and XDR patients.

Tuberculosis can be cured by medication. However, the disease often raises fears in the sick and his community. provides reliable information on tuberculosis in ten languages. There are also new guides for tuberculosis on the website – what is it? and Tuberculosis – How to Treat It? 


Epidemiological situation 
Hanna Soini
tel. +358 29 524 6608

Treatment of Tuberculosis
Tuula Vasankari
Filha ry
Tel. +358 50 545 0589