muokattu: 18.4.2024

Domestic NGO cooperation

Filha is part of the ’Savuton Suomi’ (Smoke-free Finland 2023) network. The network makes proposals on how to promote smoke-free initiatives to support decision making and highlights the positive aspects of smoke-free living with the goal of achieving a smoke-free Finland.

In addition to Filha, members of the Smoke-free Finland network include:

Filha participates in the ’Tartuttamattomat sairaudet’ (Non-Communicable Diseases) network’s activities. The goal is the prevent non-communicable diseases, reduce their associated harm and ensure appropriate current care guidelines (’käypä hoito’) and rehabilitation for patients.

In addition to Filha, members of the Non-Communicable Diseases network include:

Filha is part of the ’Yksi elämä’ project (One Life). The aim is to have a healthier Finland. The joint health efforts of Aivoliitto, Diabetesliitto, Filha, Hengitysliitto, Mieli ry (Mental Health Finland), Sydänliitto and Syöpäjärjestöt promote people’shealth and well-being throughout life. Duodecim is involved as an expert organization.

Filha is a part of the Paikka auki’ funding program (The Vacant Job program organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and administrated by the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organizations).

Filha is a founding member of FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service), Kiipula Foundation and Vates Foundation.

Additionally, Filha is a member of the following national NGOs: