muokattu: 4.11.2024

International cooperation

Filha served as a Collaborating Center designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) between 1997 and 2017. This status is renewed every four years. The area of ​​cooperation agreed with the WHO was the provision of tuberculosis expert assistance to the necessary sites, the organization of tuberculosis training and work supporting WHO’s PAL strategy (Practical Approach to Lung Health).

Filha has been a founding member of the International Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Union (The Union) since 1927 and a cooperation center since 2001. The cooperation broadly concerns tuberculosis and lung diseases.

Filha has been a member of the International Tuberculosis Research and Monitoring Group (TSRU) since 1976. The activities of the group are coordinated by Filha’s Dutch sister organization KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation.

Filha cooperates with the European TBNet tuberculosis network, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, Borstel Research Center and the Karolinska Institutet in organizing international tuberculosis training courses.

Filha also participates in the WHO’s GARD alliance (Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases). Filha’s representatives also participate as experts appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in the activities of the EU’s Northern Dimension Expert Group and the Barents tuberculosis and HIV program.